Star litter
Sommarvindens Star Litter
Father: SECH, DKCH Soheil Nour Chilion (C.I.B FI NO EE LV LT RU BY RO BALT CH FIJV-11 RKFV CH LVW-14 Amdjad av Min Tera x FI EE LT CH Tazillah Farah Jaraa)
Mother: Euro Sighthound Winner 2018, C.I.B., SECH, DKCH, CPH W-17, Split W-17, CPH JW-16 Amal Hayati Oonah Nadira Al Jameelah (C.I.B., HR CH, DK CH, DE CH (VDH), LU CH, SK CH, DE CH (DWZRV) Ali Darian Jonoob Baad Al Qom x C.I.B., HR CH, HU CH, LU CH Hadiyyah Djaal Lhilal)
Date of birth: 28 May 2019
4 males (1 grizzle, 1 gold and 2 creme) and 6 females (2 red and 4 creme)
No.1 Sommarvindens Star Of Scandinavia
No.2 DE Junior CH VDH & DWZR Sommarvindens Twinkling Star
No.4 RO Junior CH Sommarvindens Star Goddess
No.5 Sommarvindens Wish Upon A Star
No.6 NO CH, DK CH Sommarvindens Star Light
No.9 SE CH, DK CH, FjordW 2022 Sommarvindens Star Of Milky Way
No.7 Sommarvindens Chasing Stars
No.10 Sommarvindens Magic Star