My Dog dog shows in Gothenburg
3rd to 6th January I spent in Gothenburg where this year’s first two dog shows, My Dog 1 and My Dog 2 happened. I was there working as a Ring Stuart. I also met with dearest Janne and Frode with their Nomi (NO CH, DK CH Sommarvindens Star Light) and her two lovely daughters Coco and Popsi, (Oonah’s young grandkids). I got a chance to see all three of them in the ring and I am super happy with their development. Their father is lovely Zico (SBIS, BIS, C.I.B., SE CH, DK CH, NO CH Baklava’s Yatim). I spent my…
Happy Birthday our Elton John litter!
Our Elton John litter turns 4 years today! Sommarvindens Rocket Man Sommarvindens Your Song Sommarvindens Tiny Dancer We are so proud of our little kids and their fantastic owners! We wish you all fantastic birthday and all the best!!!
Got you! :)
That little crazy girl…. Sommarvindens Tiny Dancer *Bianca* Entire spring I tried to take a good standing picture of her in our dog park and first now I got one. She was standing still for a second and I was lucky to take a shot in exactly that moment. Needless to say that I was following her around entire dog park with mobile camera ready.
Bianca in a lot of fluff
Our only remaining Italian greyhound Bianca. We miss all our italians so much. I hope to get an little Bianca baby eventually. Bianca deservs someone to play with. It is not really working with all the big ones we have at home.
Sad to say that fall reached Scania….but…
It is absolutely gorgeous to work with a living heating cushion in the lap when the weather turns from summer to fall over one night.
Happy news from Sweden!
Happy news from Sweden! And such a special news as well. Today we say huge congratulations to lovely Sommarvindens Your Song *Bob* and his dear owner Johanna Westring who participated in their first ever agility competition (Blueberry class) last weekend! This they did with fantastic results: 2nd place! We are so proud and happy not just for the result itself but also for the great work you two are doing as it is the first time ever one of our babies participated in any agility competition. Love you!
Happy birthday!
Hip hip hooray! Huge Happy birthday to our Elton John litter who turns 3 years today!! Sommarvindens Your Song Sommarvindens Rocket Man Sommarvindens Tiny Dancer May you have a long and healthy life full of love for many more years to come! I hope your families spoiled you a bit extra today!
Why do you say that I am not allowed to sit on Lo? She apparently does not care at all!
Happy 2nd birthday!
Our sweet puppies in Sir Elton John litter are turning two years old today! Happy birthday sweeties! We love you and hope that you got extra spoiled today! Huge thank you to their owners for taking perfect care of them!
Home office and its lovely (dis)advantages
I love working from home! Whenever I feel cold I can use one of my dogs as a personal heater. This is Bianca. Usually she lays down in my lap but this time she pushed herself under my arm and behind my back where she fell in sleep. Behind to the left in the picture you can find Lo laying in her favourite bed and in front of her Bianca’s mother Heidi.