New things happening
Last year we all (dogs and humans) got very bored with sitting at home and not doing anything. We only went to two dog shows if I remember correctly. One in January in Sweden (before covid-19) and short after, all dog shows in Sweden got cancelled and there was not the one we could go to. I was lucky to find one in September, or was is October, in Denmark. That was it. Basically the entire year was spent at home mourning my father who left us in January that year and Anja who left us in August.
As we really are not a kind of a family that just stays at home, we agreed that we are not going to spend one more year sitting at home and not doing anything fun with our babies. As so, this year we are going to try to get our babies to run.
As the first step we joined Cimbria HK– a dog racing club that is only one hour from our home.
After joining several working days this spring during which the race track and area around was brought into good condition, there was some time over for the first “rehearsal” training before the first “real” training will happen coming Sunday.
We had all our Italians and Dottie and Lo with us.

First out was Lo. She was so happy to stretch her legs and it felt like she was just running for fun and not to try to catch the lure. When the lure stopped she turned back and run towards me. I must admit that I was very nervous about letting my babies run free like this but Lo gave me faith that this is good for them.

Next to run was Dottie. You must know that Dottie is the one that is the least capable of going on adventures on her own so I was convinced that she would be as kind as Lo was. Oh boy how wrong I was. Sure she started chasing the lure and her run felt even better than what Lo’s did, at least for the couple of seconds… As soon as the lure stopped Dottie decided to continue to run around the track and off track too. She didn’t even think of coming back to me before she got bored. This was approximately ten minutes after she started running. For me these ten minutes felt like ten hours.
I was really nervous now so I didn’t even dare to let Heidi run. Heidi’s nick name is Houdini. She runes away as soon as she gets a chance. So after Dottie doing her thing there was no way I would let Heidi do it too. So we went straight to Heidi’s daughter Bianca.

Little Bianca had a perfect run. She was so concentrated on the lure and I was so glad…. until she spotted her mother and Smilla outside the track and then, within the seconds she found a hole I did not see before and was outside the track. She for sure has her mother’s genes.
Now I am not sure at all how I feel for the first real training. Will I dare to let any of them try the track again?