Welcome Tigidit Futura!
We are proud to welcome one beautiful azawakh girl to our family. Her name is Tigidit Futura but we call her Tesla. She is our first azawakh. I have been dreaming about one for about five years now but it is first now that I and my family had the courage to get one. You can read a lot about azawakh and their behaviour and you can visit breeders to meet their dogs and to learn about the breed, but I know now that it is first when you start to share your life with azawakh that you really get to know their soul. So how is Tesla then? She is special, very special in a positive way. She is more stubborn than any puppy I ever had and she barks and growls more than an average puppy does. She is also very hungry. But except for that she is just as our italian greyhounds, contact searching and craving for being close to her humans.