Welcome newborns!

With joy and love in our hearts we warmly welcome 7 newborns to our Sommarvinden’s family. They are so lucky to have the best ever mother who forgets to think about herself the moment the first puppy gets born. One can’t wish for more devoted mother than what Oonah is.
Please let me present the little ones in the order of appearance:
No.1 Grizzle boy
No.2 Black and tan boy
No.3 Black and tan and white boy
No.4 Grizzle girl
No.5 Grizzle boy
No.6 Fawn boy
No.7 Grizzle girl
Their pedigree names will come as soon as we find out which of the name themes we have suits them best.
You can follow this litter on their own page here: sommarvinden.se/saluki-litter-of-2022/ or by clicking on the link in the menu.